How to Get out of the Mirror World 4
Are you interested in Fractal Psychology(FPS)? Fractal Psychology (founded in Japan by Mau Isshiki) can easily analyze the cause of problem. Why? It is because Fractal Psychology is based on Fractal Phenomenology(FPH). FPH has revealed the mechanism of the reality. If you are a scientist, you will have a powerful information for your research reading this article. Let's enjoy!
Chapter 3
Existence of Mechanism Discovered 2
The relationship between me and Recruit was already a mystery for me. My father died in 1987. He wasn't alive when I ended up coming to Recruit. In fact, my father had started the same kind of business as Recruit in another local city. In the 1950's, he was publishing papers for job-opening advertisement, then advertisements for used car sales. Those are the same businesses, but my father preceded Recruit. “The founder of Recruit and my father were working for the same types of business but on a different scale. Also, my friends and I were now driven toward Recruit.
I got a big hint from this fact. At that time, I started reading books about reincarnation. If there is a reincarnation actually (This is not correct! However, it was very effective to analyze the fractal phenomena in the history), the founder of Recruit and my father, my friends and me as well, seem as if we all lived and worked together in the same “past life.” Besides, if that were the case, I could presume that people who have the same experience in the past life were driven to the same place.
Thus, I tried to solve the mystery by make these presumption. At the same time, I tried to solve my “past life” with my ex-husband. Why had we met and why had we separated? The apparent cause was his absence at our home because he was always abroad for business. That implied I needed to check his company as well to find the system of this fate.
As I researched the “past life” of his corporation, it brought me to research about the history of Japan in the Meiji Era (1868~1912). Eventually, I found that the Meiji Era in Japan looked like the Medieval Era in West Europe. They espoused the emperor, and engaged in conquering neighbor countries, professing to see these as sacred wars. It is quite similar to the Crusade wars. Thus, in 1996, two years after starting the research of Fate, I was heading to the intense research of West European history.
First, I read a history of the 20th century. Then, I read the history of the Crusade era in Europe. Plus, I presumed possible past lives that would likely lead to similar story in the 20th century. Since I had already read lots of books about past lives, I had enough ability to analyze them.
I was analyzing little hints one by one, and making some conjectures, then solving the next mystery. If I found the conjecture wrong, I went back to the start, then, pondered again in the same way. I did it repeatedly. It was a kind of jigsaw puzzle with 1,000 pieces without the completed figure. I devoted myself so completely to this research that it almost made me faint away.
I, as a writer of a weekly housing magazine in Recruit, was so busy visiting to suburban New Towns where it took one and half hours by trains from the center of Tokyo. I had to keep to deadlines, as well. My study time was between 11 pm and 2 am after I finished all chores at home. I studied even while I was on the train.
I looked for special history books, visiting lots of used book stores on weekends, and whenever I visited far towns for a piece, I tried to stop by some local used book stores in pursuit of rare history books about the Crusade Era. Since we didn’t have the internet yet at that time, it was hard to find some history books about Europe of the middle ages. Then, I was reading one of those books in my left hand on a train, holding a hanging strap, a highlighter pen in my right hand. Sometimes I was underlining the book with the pen. I was usually carrying a big and heavy knapsack on my back filled with papers and a word processor. That figure made me look like a Ninomiya Sontoku Statue. I was so energetic to devote myself into the research.
This intense study soon brought me a result. As I mentioned earlier, I already realized that people who have the same past lives gather to the same place. If you apply this into a bigger scale, you can remark, “Since the people who have the same past lives gather at the same place, a country is formed." This implies that each country also has its past lives.
I succeeded to analyze the past lives of some countries with this conjecture. Now that I had already solved the mystery, the solution seemed obvious, but I had not had any knowledge about the Crusades when I started tackling this quiz. Everyone knows, “History repeats itself,” but no one goes beyond it. If you want to prove it, you need to point out its era and countries. Correspondence between the modern age and the middle ages are; The U. S. and The Byzantine empire, The Soviet Union and Seljuq Turk, Korea and Ireland. However, Japan was a group of three countries in middle ages, Italy, France, and England.
I was extremely excited when I found these three countries. It seemed apparently impossible to find these three countries as a past life of Japan by only having uncertain knowledge of Europe in the middle ages. I could make the leap because I truly believed in reincarnation. Incidentally, why would three countries converge in one country such as Japan? This gave me a good hint when I found the Convergence and Division System. (D)